19. April 2013 Quand le support reçoit une demande de résiliation When the customer support receives a request for cancellation Connect to Facebook tagPlaceholderTags: avril13, 21 Write a comment Comments: 1 #1 Kerri Collins (Monday, 31 August 2020 04:43) It looks like you've misspelled the word "vite" on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site's credibility. I've used a tool called SpellScan.com in the past to keep mistakes off of my website. -Kerri
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Kerri Collins (Monday, 31 August 2020 04:43)
It looks like you've misspelled the word "vite" on your website. I thought you would like to know :). Silly mistakes can ruin your site's credibility. I've used a tool called SpellScan.com in the past to keep mistakes off of my website.